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Premature ejaculation can be a pretty embarrassing topic even among men who are already confidants. Some men aren’t even able to open the discussion with their doctors. It’s actually one of the most common sexual dysfunctions that guys experience.

The good news is that there are treatment options available. ProSolution Plus is one of the few male enhancement formulas that is prescribed by doctors and is backed by clinical trials. It is one of the natural and safe treatments for premature ejaculation today.

What Is Premature Ejaculation?

Before you try any treatment for premature ejaculation, you should first make sure that you do have this condition. There are doctors who report that their patients mistake symptoms as PE when it clearly it is not.

So how do you know if you’re suffering from premature ejaculation? Another term for PE or premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation. A man can control orgasms – and you should be able to prolong sex before you hit the peak and orgasm.

Most medical practitioners agree that the average length of sexual intercourse lasts for about five minutes or so. When you have PE then you ejaculate under a minute after penetration. Yes, you won’t last that long.

Premature ejaculation is frustrating and it is an embarrassment for any man. It can cause anxiety and both partners end up getting unsatisfactory sex. Now, let’s move on to possible causes.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

It isn’t easy to pinpoint a cause of PE for each person who has it. The best thing for you to do is to visit your doctor and be open about the issue. Your doctor may also require some laboratory tests to find out the exact cause.

The following are some of the known causes of premature ejaculation:

  • Getting overly excited with a new sex partner
  • A long span of time since you had an ejaculation
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Guilt
  • Injury
  • Hormonal problems
  • And it can also be a side effect of certain medications

How Can ProSolution Plus Help?

A test was conducted by the American Journal of Therapeutics. They performed a triple-blind study on men who experienced premature ejaculation. The study lasted for 2 months and it involved around 148 men.

All the participants were otherwise healthy except for the fact that they are experiencing PE as well as symptoms of other sexual dysfunctions such as reduced erectile quality and reduced sexual satisfaction.

So, what were the results? After 60 days of testing and treatment here are the results of the said study:

  • 64% of the men who took ProSolution Plus experienced improvement with regard to their PE
  • 67% of test subjects attained better erectile quality
  • 78% of test subjects who were treated with ProSolution Plus report an overall improvement in sexual satisfaction

So what does that mean? Simply put, ProSolution Plus has a pretty good batting average when it comes to helping with premature ejaculation. Will it work 100% for everyone? The hard truth is no, it is not guaranteed to work for everyone.

How Does ProSolution Plus Work?

Remember that ProSolution Plus is not a drug. It is not a cure-all. It is actually a natural health supplement. That means that the herbs contained in these pills provide nutrients that the body needs to be healthier and better primed for sex.

Some herbs like Withania Somnifera help to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the penis. Asparagus Adscendens also provides nutrients that help reduce inflammation but it also helps to reduce stress levels.

It also contains Mucuna Pruriens which increases feelings of pleasure, which basically increases the frequency of erections. Another important herb is Asteracantha Longifolia, which can help increase the sperm count as well as better ejaculatory control.

Pros and Cons of Using ProSolution Plus

As stated earlier, ProSolution Plus is not a miracle cure-all. It isn’t the solution that will work for everybody. It may work for some people and it may not work for others. It does have its own pros and cons.

Here are some of its pros:

  • ProSolution Plus is manufactured by a company that has been in business for more than 10 years. With more than a decade’s worth of experience, this company has extensive experience in helping men resolve erectile and other sexual dysfunctions and issues.
  • It is an all-natural solution.
  • It is backed by actual clinical trials.
  • It is one of the few male enhancement products in the market today that are actually recommended by doctors.
  • Prosolution Plus comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.


It is not a universal cure. It is not guaranteed to work for everyone. It will take at least 4 weeks of continuous use before one could see obvious results. On top of that, it will also be a bit expensive, which can be a turn-off for some clients. Prosolution plus can only be purchased via the internet. Activate your ProSolution Plus coupon code now!